Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happiness is a Choice!!!

happiness is a choice it is a decision one must make to be at peace with ones self. a selfish person only has to deal with the happiness of one person themselves. but a person who loves many more then themselves have to choose between what makes them self happy or what makes there love ones or lover happy. i love many that's my issue but it seem like only yesterday(more like 2 years ago)i had only to deal my happiness only. now i have to worry about more then just myself, but a family it takes a strong man to deal with the situation and the things Ive dealt with and still deal with. life isn't easy its a journey. a working progress. everyone falls but its not about the fall its about what you do after the fall. some continue to do the same some grow and change. so what I'm trying to say is control your happiness. you will fall from time to time but remember you keep your faith in God and you will always have the strength to get up and make a better day. The lord never put to much on your shoulder then what you can handle. so continue to create your happiness path and control your destiny I'm trying to do the same.and always remember happiness is a choice.

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